(This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own)
If your computer was a television screen, you would be staring at me, blushing away, grinning ear to ear over what I am about to share with you. You know that moment when you feel like you’ve made it? I’ve had quite a few of those in my lifetime, in all different aspects of my life. In a mother’s world, the “I made it” moments seem to be less significant than most others accomplishments. Changing Owen’s wet diaper while he is standing up with nearly one hand, bravo. Getting one kid to nap for a few hours once a month – week if I am on a roll, please, please, stop the applause. My favorite is when I leave the store, with two kids, zero tears, no tantrums, everything on my list, and zero pit stains, I feel like a warrior princess.
Now, this very “made it moment” is one that I have longed for.
Blogging is a real passion of mine. Everything I write, every recipe I post, every story I tell has all of my heart behind it, showing the good and the bad. I love this space I have created – not only for myself, for my boys to look back on one day, and for our family to keep tabs on us. I have had a lot of people ask why we have not jumped on the bandwagon of advertisements, sponsors etc. To be perfectly honest, it is quite a handful. There are guidelines to abide by, technical computer savvy ways that I am just a bit uncomfortable with. It is a BIG step in the blogging world, and one that I did not want jump into just for the sheer entertainment of it. The blogging world a big one, huge one in fact. Trending you may say. All different kinds of people, for all different types of reasons. Which is why I love it so.
You know they say, good things come to those who wait? Well, let me just say I am über excited to tell you that I am officially a WayFair Homemaker! I was chosen to collaborate with WayFair on posts for our blog, and some that will even be showcased on their website (our stairway post from the other week was featured!) . I am honored, blown away, and feel like thee tiniest fish in the blogging sea to be taking part in this. To say I am excited is silly, I am over the moon be a part of the Homemaker’s program and cannot wait to share with you all of our fun collaborations.
If you haven’t heard of/or been on the WayFair website, jump on immediately. You will be astounded at everything they have to offer for your home. We spend hours looking at options for our house, and are always shocked to see how much they offer as a company. My favorite section is the “Ideas” tab – where you can find the “magazine shops” that will show you a particular look, and the pieces to purchase to achieve it. What more can you ask for?! I. AM. IN. LOVE.
I will have my bio on their Homemaker’s page, along with a picture and links to our site/posts. Taking a bio picture was hysterical. Moving, in and out of the house, in between slamming paint on walls and making the kids dinner my darling sister Claire took a few pictures of me that were acceptable enough to send WayFair’s way. Lucky me, Dan just purchased me a new camera that I just about cried over, that I am looking forward to getting better shots of the entire family for our blog!
There is an amazing giveaway happening on Friday this week, so stay in touch! Give me your feedback lovely readers, the more the better. The Thome Home will be growing in many ways and we would love to hear what you have to say.
Congratulations Abby! So well deserved! Looking forward to seeing you on Wayfair
Thank you Judy! Lots of great things to come 🙂
So excited for you all and this new journey! Can’t wait to keep up with all the fun blog posts to come! Congrats lady!
Thank you Lauren! Tell Baby P we said hello!
So excited for you Abby!!! I always look forward when I see your blog in my email!!!! Love, Love, Love everything you write and can’t wait to read more! So excited that you got this opportunity!!!
Thanks Girl! We are so happy too!
Abby you are awesome! Love your posts and can’t wait to read more. Congrats Cuz… you earned it big time!
Thanks Ann!
Congratulations, Abby! Loved reading your blog and looking forward to seeing more from you! I always keep up with you when I see Shannon at the salon. It will be great to hear what’s happening in your life firsthand!
Hi polly! So glad you checked it out! We’ve been blogging for years so plenty of fun stuff to catch up on!