Oh I love a good weekend like I love a good cocktail.
It makes me happy. It is refreshing. It is delicious.
Friday night the main squeeze and I went out for dinner and drinks. Luchitas in downtown Hudson was our choice. Dan had eaten there before, but it was a first for me and I was completely ga-ga over it. The corona-ritas, the fish tacos, the chips and salsa …. I was one happy mama.
We ventured out the next morning with a slight tequila hangover to The Taste of Twinsburg. A great community event in the neighboring city, filled with great food, family fun and of course, drinks. Owen was all over the face painting and balloon animals. We wiped his face off 2x so he could go get another one. And this hat above – this was what he got when he asked for a “pwain” (plain) one.
Why is it when Dan makes a goofy face he is still so attractive? I think I was born to be on SNL – cracking jokes and twisting my face into a million different expressions.
Fathers day was a real treat. We were able to make 3 stops and celebrate the important men in our life. It isn’t always easy to make the rounds but it felt great to give everyone a little bit of loving that day.
Today I have been playing catch up. Ran errands with the boys this morning, let them run around in the sprinkler while I tried to correct my awful tan lines from vacation and even planted herbs.
I snagged this beauty of a tub at our favorite local shop for only $11!
I drilled some holes in the bottom for drainage, layered about 2 inches of rocks on the bottom, and filled the remainder with potting soil. We planted the herbs we use the most in our house, parsley, basil, cilantro, and dill. I have mint and a few tomato plants that I need to find the space for elsewhere. This whole back + front yard renovation has me learning where the sun falls during the day here … have yet to have the patience or memory to figure it all out yet.
We have an exciting week here – and a much-anticipated family wedding this weekend to look forward too. I will be starting a few of our Chalkworthy projects and will keep you posted as well!
Happy Monday!
Sounds like a great weekend, time carved out for all. I know that does not happen often for you guys Abby.