We’ve got week 1 of summer vacation in the books!
I think it would be fun each sunday night to sit down and just bombard you guys with a few pictures from our week. Because, let’s face it – summer will fly by.
Writing down a few summer goals is always a good idea. A sweet reminder to stop and let the bees sting you in the foot and enjoy that summer air. We’ve got the lemonade stand checked off, the zoo, s’mores, ice-cream truck and the fair knocked out in week ONE.
Whoops, we may be erasing this board and adding more each month.
Our town is just littered with playgrounds. It’s mind boggling + such a blessing since our front and backyard are being torn out and fixed TODAY. It’ll be such a long summer without grass to play on, but extra grateful to live in a place where there are SO many places to explore.
DJ worked a ridiculous amount of hours putting our landscaping together for an amazing collaboration we did with Ryobi. It’ll be coming at ya’ this week 🙂 But seriously, Dan is unreal. Recently promoted at work, working like a wild thang, comes home and tackles school work – and then NEVER, and I mean never skips a beat on house projects. Workin’ 9-5 is not something he is familiar with … he works around the clock.
Someone hand the man a drink –
Oh wait, I do. (Look at teeny tiny one week old Max!) He’s so much bigger already –
Look at his mohawk! We thought Owen was going to be the only lucky babe the rock that fresh out of the womb, and then swooped in his blondie brother with the tidal wave too. Love it.
Memorial Day parade was fun, as always. Gorgeous weather makes everything better.
This babe LOVES the outdoors – soothes any fuss he’s got in his bones immediately upon opening a door and the breeze sweeping his sweet little bod.
Baseball is in full swing – and Brody loves every ounce of it.
Yesterday morning I left these studs in bed, and ran to the grocery store dropping $$$ on delicious fresh food to cook for the week. 5 weeks of on and off ordering in after baby is not something we want to continue.
Of course I grocery shop on the week we are re-doing our kitchen countertops (another Giani countertop, just switching up the style a bit!)
Oy. We’ll make it work!
$15 made on that memorial day lemonade stand, well done boys.
The fair that took $40 of our money on games that resulted in zero fish being brought home. We could have went to the store and bought a tank and 18 goldfish.
Zoo day, exploring a new one that isn’t half as good as the Cleveland Zoo but twice as close so it’ll do for this summer with a teeny brother to stroll around with.
Rounding out the week with this chub who is gaining weight like a champ, and never lets mom miss a feeding every 2 – 3 hours each and every night.
Don’t worry Max, I feel ya – food for life.
Looking back at the week I cannot believe how much we did, these little people sure know how to fill up the day with adventure!
Love this update! Sad we weren’t able to meet your munchkin this weekend, but we’ll be back in July and come visit!! Miss ya’ll! Happy summer!