Only a few more days of summer vacation. Live it up.
It never fails. 99 cents spent on water balloons (c/o Grandpa) that let to a solid 90 minutes of goofing around. The hustle of getting ready to go back to school is roaring. You all feel it too. You’re kids are probably 1/2 excited to see their friends and 1/2 angry that summer is over. Mine are still “a wee little” and are mostly scared. They get the butterflies, Owen is already crying that kindergarten will be “too hard for me”. I really hope that ships sails, quickly. Brody thankfully has a few familiar names on his class list, so fingers crossed the positive vibes stay strong!
We’ve got 2 more days of official summer break. I think we’ll be spending the next 48 hours running errands, tossing water balloons, eating ice cream, staying up a bit past bedtime and enjoy the calm before the school storm.
How do I have a 2nd grader + kindergartener already?
Sigh ….
Someone hand me a glass of wine