This weather the past few days has been SO nice. Nothing beats the windows open, short sleeves and the sun on your cheeks. We’ve definitely been taking full advantage of it – getting outside as much as possible and trying to walk this baby out. I have been oh so lucky to be experiencing false labor again and again – where I’m contracting like a mother, dilating ever so slightly- but staying at the same place the past week.
It is definitely emotionally and physically exhausting, especially when It’s not your first baby when you’re sole focus is relaxing and kicking up your feet. Life goes on and errands need ran, kids need their schedules completed and sitting is hardly an option. So I’m rolling with it as much as possible, trying not to whine Dan’s ears off and suck it up.
This little man sure is letting us know he’s ready to meet us!
Brody is finally on the mend after an entire week fighting off a random flu bug – I cannot stress enough the importance of washing hands. Woo-wee. He catches things SO easily. Here are a few pictures from the weekend to hold you over until the baby spam takes over the blog!
The boys new saying is “let’s walk this baby out mom!” They are getting really excited to meet him, and all of this false labor crap definitely keeps them on their toes. So I chased their butts around all weekend, walking until I felt like I may pop
But I didn’t.
Brody spotted the largest snake I have ever seen at the park the other day. As I was the encouraging mother with a loaf of bread pushing them closer to feed the geese, he so sweetly was like “Mom, wait, what’s that??”
Good eye Brody, good eye.
This string bean, killin’ me folks. Killin’ me.
After a long walk in the park, Brody needed some down time ( still in recovery mode ) and Owen wanted to run around some more. So, off we went onto our trail.
5 more sleeps or less until we get to meet their little brother.
Whose ready?!