It was a great weekend in the – thome – home! And after these past few weeks of summer I am realizing that my blogging has fallen off a cliff. Not that I don’t care, nor do I not feel like doing it. BUT, summer is short and sweet… and we are soaking up every last drop of every moment of every day to make it the best summer we can. So, computers, uploading pics, finding a few hours to blog is just silly right now! I do not know how people who blog FULL time do it. Well, maybe the pay check helps, but I just believe my boys come first (and the hub), then selling the house… and whatever extra lovin’ I can give to something is sheer bonus. So my dear diary blog, I will do my best to tend to you this summer. But just know that the littles and the hub will trump you everytime, especially in the summer. That being said, here are some pictures from these past weeks…
Owen loves two things. Ears (his own, or others) and his binky. Last month, we said goodbye to binky and he hasn’t had any meltdowns since. No binky fairy, or toy trade needed. Owen for once in his life cooperated 🙂 This is one of the last days with “Bink-Bink”
Dan keeps getting more handsome to me, each and every year. Nearly four years of marriage, and ten years together total, and he hasn’t lost a drip of being my Mr. Good-lookin’
We went to the Tribe Game last week. I do not like sports. On a scale of 1-10, it rates about a zero on the level of importance in my life. But, being in a house of boys, I know it’ll have to grow on me. It was in the 9th inning when I turned to Dan and asked which color jerseys our team was wearing. If that doesn’t show how much I do not pay attention, I don’t know what does!
Happy summer!!! Enjoy it with your boys! I love your comment about the jersey’s… Hilarious! Xo