Being out numbered by boys in my house isn’t so bad. Some ask me if we will keep trying for a girl. You know, try for a third, if it’s a boy, go again, so on and so forth. And I have to be honest to say that’s a big NO. Dan and I both believe that you are given what you are given. A child, no matter what sex is a blessing. So if we end up just having two boys, or three, or how ever many we are blessed to have, we will be happy. Life with these boys is a riot. Beautiful days outside quickly turn into needing a mid-afternoon bath because they are covered in dirt head to toe. Every toy they pick up suddenly turns them into a super hero. Every guest that comes through our house has to play right along with whatever character identity they are given. Coming from a girl who isn’t all that into sports, or getting roughed up in the dirt, it’s taken some getting used to. I’m a hairstylist, latte loving, blog reading, magazine hoarder, home decor obsessed, power walking freak. But, I am doing my best. I’ve learned that sticks and stones will not break my bones, and a little dirt won’t hurt me.
Love this! You have such great boys 🙂 Miss them and you guys! Looking forward to seeing you in May! Xo