I hope you all had the happiest of a face stuffing holiday last week. Ours was spectacular, and the fun spilled into the weekend, leaving us feeling like our friends and family had to roll us out of their doors. My favorite dishes for Thanksgiving consisted of my aunts salad (don’t ask, it’s just always magical), my cousins brussel sprouts (holy shove my face I literally could have choked) and my sweet potatoes. Food makes me a happy happy lady.
I love the holiday haze when it kicks in – I really do my best to ignore posting to my social media/blog. Oh, trust me, I’m still stirring around others – but I feel like there is a place time where it’s okay to be busy, and not share it all when everyone.
SO, we had a lovely holiday and now we are full fledge back into fixing things up around here.
The babe is growing so well, as is the belly. And our desire to do quick changes seems to be growing just as rapidly. Dan is painting the kitchen cabinets (AH — I LOVE THEM) with the amazing Nuvo Cabinet Paint – I mean, they really think of it all at Giani. It’s been only a few hours into the painting process and Dan is already on coat number two. I’m just smitten by the new color choice.
So, in the mean time – I had to hit up these “Cyber monday” deals, in which most companies drag them out a few days later, because, let’s face it, they’ll never say no to more sales and more money.
Rugs Usa is running a killer deal, 80% some of their rugs! If you are in the need for some new floor treatments, now is the time you guys! We just purchased a new master bedroom rug that has me weak in the knees and two kitchen rugs to go with our new look. A 9×12, 5×8, 4×6, all for $300!
pinch me now. If I knew the sex of the baby I would have tackled the nursery, but I’ll hold myself back for the big gender reveal christmas morning 🙂
First I snagged this beauty for the master bedroom –
You can find it HERE
This rug retails for over $800 and I snagged it for $174. I am a fool for shag rugs, and what better room to shag in then the bedroom? Am I right? 🙂
These simple ladies are for our kitchen — Oh how I wish I had pictures of the kitchen process but I am trying to steer clear of the paint (yes, it’s safe – but mama’s got a headache)
You can see these rugs here – The gray 5×8 was originally $429, I got it for $86!!
You guys, jump on it, jump on it. FREE shipping.
Just had to drop in and let you all know of this deal, heck, even if you buy a back up rug just incase you pet or kids decide to ruin one, it’s worth it!
Much love to you all!
What a deal!!! We’ll have to scout out some options for our living room! Thanks for sharing mama!