We Clevelanders have really lucked out this past winter, it was beyond mild, and actually quite enjoyable. The month of March blew our minds with temps in the 70’s, it was magnificent! The picture above was in Downtown Cleveland at the St. Patrick’s Day parade. We were beyond overdressed for the weather, and slowly had to strip the boys down throughout the parade. Dan and I might have dropped a pant size in sweat by the time we left.
While watching the ever entertaining Keeping up with the Kardashians, (don’t judge me) something caught my attention. At the dinner table, they sit down and say their “Pit” and “Peak” of their week. I thought this was such a great idea. We all have our dinner talk, how was your day, what are we doing tomorrow.. bla bla bla. But this is such a great way to get everyone at the table talking, and to spark many conversations about the good and bad. I think, as a parent, this would be a great tool to get to know what’s going on in your kids lives in a different way. Instead of hounding them all the time! Then my idea stumbled forward. Since I can never keep my thoughts to myself, and do not have much of a filter, I thought it would be a great idea to make a post once a week about my pit and peak of the week. Except, I will try to Thome it up and come up with our own wording.
PITS of the month… let’s catch up shall we?… (see, pits?.. gross, I need new wording ideas anyone?)
- Hands full of laundry, opening up the baby gate to go to the laundry room and taking the entire gate down with me to the floor. It hurt, just a bit.
- Getting my period. One perk I miss from nursing, (not getting one). I’m telling ya. Periods should be a one time deal. You get it once, and that’s it. Gods way of saying “you can have a baby now” and that be the end of it! HA.
- Trader Joes with Brody. Five minutes in and the meltdown began. He started running for the door, I chased after, breaking my flip-flop. Leaving a cart full of groceries in the store, walking away barefoot with a screaming child on my hip. Not to mention I parked far away (counts as exercise right?) SO embarrassing!
- Having to cancel our weekend (1 night) getaway to Columbus to visit our friends, Trevor & Lauren because our darling boys were sick yet again. We were banking on that child-free time to refresh ourselves from these crazy last few months. And by refresh I do mean cocktails and sleeping till 9. OH WELL.
Peaks of the month…
- Owen started crawling on his knees finally! No more creepy army crawl, or rug burned forearms and legs! Yippee.
- We won $50,000 in the lottery. HELLO. AMAZING!!
- While at Trader Joes, (yes I live there) a very elderly woman (75+) came up to me and said how great I looked for having two boys. She said, “I don’t know how you do it, must be so tiring.” I smiled and said, “That is so sweet, thank you, they’re good boys (ha) and I drink lots of coffee.” SHE SAID, leaning in with a grin, “You should put some vodka in that coffee.” I DIED. I didn’t know whether to laugh or hug her. I thought we might be long-lost sisters with our sense of humor. It was too funny, and it’s probably so true that half of our grandparents drank all day when our parents were little. God bless her, she made my month!
What were your Pits n’ Peaks from this past month? Share them with me, I would love to hear from who ever is reading this! I am pretty convinced it is just our parents. =)
Something else we’ve accomplished this past month and have forgotten about.. the kitchen is repainted! We thought we loved the color, turns out with one swipe of the new color we realized how pea-poop green the walls were. We lightened everything up, and it flows nicely with the downstairs. Here’s a glimpse, more updates to come.
Our white chairs are getting splashed with color later next week, along with the legs of the table to freshen it up. The room just feels more serene, which I like. I spend a lot of time in the kitchen.
Our aisle-way of a kitchen feels so much bigger now with lighter walls, and a new rug we meant to put under the table in the nook. It happens to be a great fit in front of the oven/cabinets, and great for those little baby knees to crawl on!
For the weekend coming up, we’re filling ours with birthday invites for Owen’s FIRST bash, and a family birthday party on sunday at a bounce house place. Should be interesting considering Brody has been terrified of those for a while. Hopefully he’ll warm up since he’s a big boy now as we keep telling him! Happy weekend!
Hi!! Love ur blog! Miss ya!! My pit was juggling work/home& activities. Sun night Bianca cut tooth #6…So we slept in while daddy got the boys to school. Got a few more pits hust dont want to relive them, they already a good oyed me enough 😉 The peaks were that I realized that (eventhough I feel like I know) life is so short and I need to feel and enjoy the good as well as the bad. 😉 P.s. r u doing hair or going towards r