This is a sponsored post in collaboration with Owlet :: The link attached is an affiliate link meaning The Thome Home will receive a small commission for purchases made. We thank the brands who work with us and our readers who support their shops as well!
Sleep deprived and running on empty.
Elated and just infatuated with your newest addition.
It’s both sides to the story that we as parents know to be true. The brain fog runs so deep – waking up numerous times a night for feedings and diaper changes. During the day you muster up the energy to keep up with your house – the kids, and well – basic functions like showering and going to the bathroom.
It is a time of pure bliss and endless exhaustion.
While the day time throws a multitude of challenges your way with a newborn, night-time often becomes to most talked about between new parents. It’s the hours that everyone thinks that they are prepared for, waking up all night long for feedings, sure we’ve got this – right?
You spend 10 long months preparing for baby, putting together the nursery, reading books, and preparing for labor. And then, this teeny tiny fragile infant is handed to you at the hospital and bed time arrives. You’re exhausted, every ounce of you is in need of sleep. And then you find yourself up all night staring at this beautiful bundle of joy you brought into the world. You keep checking to see if they are breathing okay, time and time again.
Insert all the nights to follow –
Getting a good nights sleep goes straight out the window. If you are a baby watcher like I am, just kiss it goodbye. I cannot tell you how many nights I spent after feedings watching Max fall asleep checking his breathing. Only to finally fall fast asleep and be awoken by self-doubt, checking on him again and again. The bags under my eyes got bigger, the yawns got deeper during the day and I dreaded trying to keep up throughout the night to keep a very attentive watchful eye.
Until, the Owlet Baby Monitor.
The Owlet Baby Monitor, I believe will become a nursery essential. Every new parent has a video monitor to watch their baby sleep. But, really, what good will it do if you’re not watching it? The Owlet Baby Monitor brings complete peace of mind to your night with your baby.
This sweet little comfortable sock fits onto your baby’s foot. This tiny little addition keeps watch of your little ones heart rate and oxygen level throughout the night. Alerting you if he/she stops breathing, or if their levels fall or go to high. The same technology you see in the hospitals, pulse oximetry to keep tabs on your precious peanut.
The sock is wireless, and then you plug in this independent station that will alert you if something isn’t right. (via noise + lights) You can also download an app so you are alerted on your phone as well. Giving you the ability to check your baby’s live vitals anywhere you are.
I cannot even begin to describe the peace of mind I have knowing that this monitor is up all night with Max. You truly cannot put a price tag on his safety. How I wish I had this monitor through all of Owens respiratory illnesses when he was a baby, it really would have brought us so much clarity and confidence to sleep soundly at night.
On a newborns foot, the monitor is placed on the underneath of his/her foot. It is comfortable, and can be worn underneath footed pajamas as well. Max was not phased by the sock at all, which brought us even more joy.
The sock will fit most babies up until the age of 18 months old –
Nothing beats being able to lay down at night, and rest assured that this Owlet Monitor is covering bases that we simply can not throughout his sleep.
If you’re expecting, or have a little one now, adding this Owlet Monitor to your nighttime routine is a fantastic way to bring you the peace of mind, and rest you need as a new parent.
Owlet was SO gracious to offer The Thome Home readers a $20 promo offer so that you can bring this monitor into your home!
Click HERE for your $20 off your new monitor!
This would be the perfect baby shower present for a mother-to-be. Nothing beats the peace of mind a new mommy would have with Owlet.