Owen turned two this week on April 30. We have been having a fun packed week full of local hot spot visits, and outdoor play. I cannot get over the fact that his crib was taken down this week (we waited a little longer 2nd time around) – the baby items are packed away in the attic and I am surrounded by everything “kid-like”. It’s okay though, we’ve had a few rough nights getting him adjusted to such a big bed, but once he falls asleep he sleeps the entire night through! Owen has always been ahead of his age, personality wise. He is 2 going on 4, right along with his brother. This little guy is SO rambunctious, mischievous, fearless (minus bumble bees) and just hysterical. It takes only minutes when meeting him to understand this one’s personality. It’s 100% either way, he is an intense child. Happy, sad, angry, excited… he lays it all out there. Dan and I were thrilled to of learned that he could now eat eggs. YES! He passed the egg challenge! We’ve been celebrating all week-long with french toast and scrambled eggs for breakfast. I would say in a two-year olds world, this birthday week hasn’t been too shabby. We’ve kind of disappeared into the sunshine lately, and blogging was on the back burner. But, I have plenty of pictures to catch you up on what we have been up to!
Happy Birthday Owen!! I hope you continue to be as passionate and fearless your whole life through. You’ve taught mom and dad to “take a chill pill” and let you do your thing. You’ve helped your brother break out of his shy box, and have taught us all to seize the moment a little more. You keep us on our toes! We love you more and more each day!
Vegan Cupcakes by Vegan Sweet Tooth… DELICIOUS! He ate 3 mini cupcakes, but cried like a baby while we briefly sang to him… he did not want to have to wait to eat them! So we got through a few words of the b-day song, and called it quits. Poor kid, just wanted to eat his cupcakes and go to bed. He’s having a small party saturday, so candles and singing will be attempted again.. It’s his birthday, he can cry if he wants to!
And CONGRATULATIONS on your “egg induction” Success!!
That is AWESOME!! Love You Buddy!!!!