It’s happening! We are only a few days away to revealing Max’s new BIG BOY room and I could not be happier for him. Will it help him sleep through the night? Absolutely-freaking-not. Will it make him light up and be excited to spend more time in his new special room? I think so!

Remember his big nursery reveal three years go? Read all about it, here. The shiplap wall was the best decision we ever made for his room, and the killer giant “M” we placed created a cozy modern vibe that I wanted to carry over – minus the crib.

It’s crazy how his nursery went from serene and clean, to pure odd-end chaos once the crib was removed.

See, WOOF! That mess escalated quickly – follow along on my Instagram HERE.
I cannot wait to show you all the reveal on Friday! I’ll make sure to take a picture of Max’s face when he sees his massive bedroom upgrade!