this post contains affiliate links, I receive a small commission from products I showcase. Equilibria is a part of my life daily, and I could shout it from the roof tops about how much it has impacted my life in such an incredible way!
For the first time in 6 years, I am not fighting to avoid my anxiety. I am embracing it, and taking the time to invest in the tools I need to bring me balance and the confidence to live my life JOYFULLY + FEARLESSLY with anxiety.

Well, it happened – I had an anxiety attack two weeks ago, my first in quite a while. It came in like a wrecking ball, and it all stemmed from this sudden jolt of shakiness/heart racing side effects of not eating breakfast, drinking too much espresso and not enough water. Toss in a crazy work week, and sleep training Max, my body was definitely in overdrive. Most people will take that caffeine high and ride the wave, usually my body reacts pretty well and takes advantage of the sudden surge of adrenaline. That day, however, my body took those sensations, overanalyzed and quickly spiraled into hyper-focusing on those sensations and rapidly resulting in an anxiety attack.
After an hour of laying in bed, I started to cry – I felt overwhelmed and agitated. The levels of cortisol racing through my system during an anxiety attack makes you feel like your mind is racing and you just cannot push pause and reset. I knew Dan had to leave for 4+ hours of hockey try outs and I just did not want to be home alone with Max. I knew if I stayed home my anxiety would manifest even more and it would be harder to shake. SO – what did I do? I forced myself to get up, tears and all, pack a bag for the next round of hockey practices, take my saving-grace of a product, my equilibria drops and headed out the door. This is an example of how to use this product during a flare, you can micro dose for headaches instead of reaching for Tylenol, or during stressful moments to help level you back out.

Within 10 minutes my Equilibria drops helped my cortisol levels drop dramatically. It was nearly immediate relief. It’s insane to think I’ve gone years with anxiety and did not have this holy-grail CBD in my purse at all times. By the time we got to the ice rink, I was still a bit worn out and on edge but I mustered up the energy to socialize, and move on with my day. And that’s just it, I had to think to myself “Alright, anxiety – if you’re not going to let up, you’re coming with me! I’m not ruining my day because of you”
Within the hour I felt 95% better – truly, switching scenery and taking my Equilibria centered myself enough and lowered my cortisol levels to give myself the ability to process my anxiety. That was my first day using Equilibria to manage an anxiety attack, and I was blown away by how quickly it brought me relief.
And then – the book of all books!! DARE was recommended to me by a dear follower, and within a week it has forever impacted the way I approach my anxiety. It offers the most transparent and realistic explanation of why anxiety attacks happen, and how to not “cure” them, but how to prevent, avoid, and handle one if they arise. The past two weeks since my attack I spend a few minutes a day to listen to this audio book, and it was an incredible source that helped me come off of that ride of post-anxiety attack worry of one happening again.

My friends, if you suffer from anxiety – or hell, if this shit-show of a year has thrown anxiety into your life where it has never existed before. IT IS OKAY! Repeat to yourself, IT IS OKAY! We are all wearing so many hats, and it is okay to feel short-circuited every once in a while. We must take the time for self-care, and most importantly if you are really struggling reach out for help. There is ZERO shame in feeling overwhelmed, anxious or just down right sad.
Anxiety will forever be part of my makeup, it will constantly be a work in progress to my journey of self care and learning how to live with it. I sincerely am so grateful for Equilibria, not only as part of my daily maintenance for over-all well-being, but for in those moments where my anxiety takes the wheel, I micro-dose and take the wheel back. It immediately helps level my stress level and brings me zen so I can process my anxiety calmly.
So, if you are having trouble sleeping, feel on-edge throughout your day, having anxiety attacks, or just feeling blah – Equilibria can bring so much balance to your system, helping to replace the receptors that normally deplete within a woman body. Helping to maintain balance to our bodies – consistency is KEY – taking it daily to build up over time. Read this article, it will provide far more insight than me rambling here. Because, honestly, I am so jazzed about how much Equilibria has changed my life, I could talk about it for days.
Also, this book – DARE – friends, order it. I listen to it on audio because the authors voice is so soothing and he has a darling accent. In all my years of struggling with anxiety I have NEVER heard explanations so thorough, and such a healthy approach to living with anxiety and taking the control back. It has changed my life, heck. The book and Equilibria I think are my MVP for 2020!
For a few more days you can stack my coupon code at Equilibria! code ABBYTHOME for 15% , and they are running a 15% off site wide sale! that’s 30% off
I highly recommend the balance box to start with, it will provide you with the essentials you will need to set yourself up for the ultimate EQ experience. Better sleep, less anxiety, so-long headaches and chronic pain – there is so much relief in this pure, potent product! Also, they offer dosage specialists that will consult with you throughout your journey . NOT a one time appointment, you can meet with them (virtually) and discuss your dosage as you move along and they will help tailor it to exactly your needs!