Sometimes I just look at these mug shots and think to myself … these kids are mine? Huh? When did I become a mother of two, now 5 + 3 years of age? How did this time all go by so unmistakably fast?
And then I remember that drunken night at age 22, at a local bar – which back when my “boyfriend”, now husband Dan of 5 years and I … you get the picture right?
I for one, honestly know that has a mom I get caught up in all that is to be done, and all that needs to get done. Days do not seem long enough. My patience wears thin when I cannot seem to focus on one thing for 3 minutes before someone needs their butt wiped or I need to jump out of my computer chair to break up a fight. I despise these days. The, “Why the heck can I not keep it all together?” days. I wonder how working moms seem like they compile their days so seamlessly, and still manage to do more on top of it (I’m in awe). I’m home all day long and sometimes can’t even get around to laundry. It’s like these little stinkers are a stop watch, and I reset it each and every time I go to accomplish something, and their constantly stopping the clock.
At the end of each day, especially the difficult ones, I try to reflect on what I should/could have done better. I do my best, as their mother to remember that kids will be kids. My kids are not the only ones that misbehave that I need to apologize for when out in public. They’re not the only ones who disobey their parents and crack up afterwards.
I am learning to let go of that peacefulness I am searching for – and trying to get use to this new-found craziness chaos of life with little men.
Overall, trying to look less at how they are acting, but rather as parents how we are reacting.
The boys so happy in their new house, and as their parents, Dan and I feel awfully proud to of gotten to this place where we can settle down and watch them flourish.
These off-their-rocker littles are our very own. Wild, loud, full of dirt and attitude. But more importantly, passionate, funny, and quiet charming if we do say so ourselves.
Hug, squeeze (gently) 🙂 + smooch your kids every day. Tell them how much you love them any chance you get. We cherish each day we have with them, knowing that they are truly a blessing to be recognized.