Mr. Maxwell is 4 months old!
I told myself 3 times last month to take his 3 month pictures, and well, it went straight out the window. But let me not let that mothers-guilt set in just set. One look at that sweet face above and we are just going to pick right up this month with it all. So, if we get 8 out of 12 months I’m going to consider myself super woman.
A few stats about this bundle of joy.
He’s just that – a total bundle of joy. He smiles at you from across the room, and will belly laugh till he cries (it’s true). Since Max was just shy of 3 months has been sleeping from 7:00-7:00 every night, I literally pinch myself each night. By 6:00pm he’s fussy and just wants wrapped up in his favorite Halo Swaddle, fed and put to bed. I had TWO boys who never slept through the night before so this entire experience is a real treat (and I must admit, a few tricks that work wonders – future post for all you mamas!)
Weighing in at 16.7 pounds officially today at his checkup. Which means he is a pound and a half away from tripling his birth weight! AH! The chub is just too much, and I cannot help but kiss his cheeks every two seconds.
Little Mr. has 2 teeth trying to poke through, so beware if you hold him, within minutes you will be covered in drool and chewed on in places you never knew possible.
We just love this sweet boy. My gosh he makes me want 10 more – I wish I was kidding. Spreading out the years in between this time around proved to be amazing. We are truly relishing every last drop of his stages –
:Racoon Outfit: So cute, and so cheap and washes so well!