Okay, I already lied.
Max is nearly 7 weeks old, these pictures were at 6ish weeks. Bad momma me has yet to take any “real” pictures. Yep, a blogger not on top of her game. Blogger? Who am I kidding – a momma with a newborn and two other kids to tend too, heck, if food is on the table and the kids teeth are brushed 90% of the time I feel like I have my shit together.
So I decided to stop telling myself “this weekend I’ll take really good newborn pictures” and just use my iphone and snap a few quick pictures while he was as happy as a clam in his crib. I’ll do this each month, hopefully next month on time and take the pressure off of doing something more extravagant. Because, let’s face it – we rolled around in the backseat of our parents cars as babies/toddlers and todays society has moms thinking we need to do it all and be it all.
So F* that. Yep, I said it. Let’s just do US. Let’s just do what we can, when we can.
So, here’s Max in a diaper – with a few of the boys hot wheels cars to trace out the #1
And you know what, I love these pictures.
A few facts about you Maxi.
Yes, we call you Maxi. You’re daddy gets really angry when for some reason “Maxi Pad” rolls off of my tongue and I promise you each time I do I put soap in my mouth.
You just starting genuinely cracking smiles at 6 weeks – you lock eyes and just grin. I think there are dimples like your daddy’s starting to come out with each ounce you gain.
Everyone who meets you thinks your oh so tiny. But when you came home from the hospital at 6pd 4oz (you lost a few) you felt too tiny, and now at I think over 10 pounds you feel so chubby and I look shocked when people tell me that. Like, “don’t you see how big he’s gotten?” Proud mama.
You have grown fussy over the past two weeks. I call it, “finding your voice” which is a mother’s way of saying “I don’t know what else to do for you, and I don’t want to cry too, so let’s roll with it”
You sleep really good though – you go a 4-5 hour stretch at first, and then are up every 2 1/2 hours till we decide to get our butts out of bed. I’ll take whatever I can get, I am a lady who cherishes sleep. ZzZzzzz….
You are an insane mix of Brody + Owen. We cannot wait to see you grow and see who you resemble more.
You love to eat. Oh boy, don’t we dare let you wake up and not have a bottle in your face within minutes. We will hear about it. Immediately and regret trying to test your patience.
You’re as sweet as the day is long. Life with 3 is oh so good and far less chaotic than we were warned. Sure, I get a lot less done in my day, bu there is something just so special about this newborn phase that I just won’t let roll away. I am truly soaking up every ounce of your sweetness, because just once glimpse at your big brothers I know how that the hour-glass is glued to the table.
To make your Friday even better, I’m hosting a Chalkworthy giveaway for everyone interested in trying out this amazing paint line!
Hop on over to my Instagram account to enter to win 2 fabulous kits!!
Head on over to my Instagram account, The Thome Home and enter to win the Sampler Kit and the Wax & Tool kit!
Love this!! Sweet max :). And maxi-pad made me LOL! We can’t wait to meet the munchkin! Making like with 3 look easy!! Love you guys!
Abby ~ you SO GET IT!!! In this day and age of have it all – get it all – do it all – be it all
you get what it’s really all about —- I’m so happy for you — your babies will reap
the benefits of how much you cherish every minute with them! Maxi is beyond adorable!!
He IS such a combination of ALL OF YOU!!! I SO NEED to get over there and SQUISH all
3 of them — oh ya, Mommy and Daddy too!!! So love you guys! Aunt Susie