Just yesterday I was cruising home from a quick stop at target. It was a joyful ride home because the boys actually cooperated and I got everything that I needed to get in one visit. Boo-yah! It was only 10:00am, and I didn’t think my day could get any better. In a stay at home mom world, a successful store trip = a week on the beach for most people. Then, there they were. Two HUGE hutches, leaning against two trees just a few streets up from our home. My head turned, practically giving myself whip-lash. I have a huge addiction to garage sales and craigslist, any one who is willing to sell old pieces of theirs, I am usually all over it. Especially when the warmer months come, I am constantly looking at people’s curbs.. just waiting for that one gem to pop out! I kept driving though, trying to let those images of the sweet yellow hutches go. Dan would just cringe if I came home with MORE pieces to store and use “one day.” So I was a good wife. Pulled the van into the driveway. For two seconds, then put my van in reverse and went straight back to the pieces. Whoops.
Two guys were sitting outside, said they just moved the hutches out to the lawn for an elderly woman who was just clearing out her house. I went to go look at them, and the moment climaxed. FOR FREE! The sign said FOR FREE! Lord have mercy. These situations send my enthusiasm through the roof. The guys said I was the first to stop, so they would hold them for 45 minutes until I contacted Dan to get his stamp of approval. I took the kiddos back home, and we played outside for about 90 minutes. I couldn’t get ahold of the hubs, he was in a meeting, so I started to give up on the hutches. Visions of shiny white built-in hutches in my future kitchen stirred around my head. Lined with pretty bowls, glass containers, flowers… the possibilities would be endless.
FINALLY. Dan the man got out of his meeting and called, and he said YES! Go get em’! I packed the kids back into the car, breaking a sweat.. heart racing.. I knew these had to be gone by now. There is no way they haven’t given them away yet. Here comes the sun! The old yellow hutches were still leaning upon the trees. The guys came out of from the back yard and told me how I was lucky I came back at that moment because over 20 people have stopped, offered money, and gotten into arguments over these pieces. The guys put the hutches on facebook, and they had inquires from P.A. and Indiana. AND THEY SAVED THEM FOR ME!! I love these guys! No, really, I do. Knowing they were officially mine felt like what I would imagine a Price is Right contestant must feel like running down the stairs once their name is called. And to many cars driving by when I was there, I probably looked the exact same way.
Of course I told them I wanted them, and just wanted to hug them both for saying no to all those people. But felt that may be inappropriate. They had already dropped “pretty smile girl like you” comments so I tried to contain my excitement and keep my hands to myself. After explaining that we would not be able to pick them up until after 5:00 (when we had a truck to use) they were hesitant. They said they didn’t feel like being harassed all day over these things. They then offered to put these huge pieces in the back of the bed of their tiny truck, and slowly move them on over to my front yard! I offered lunch, $$, they said no. “Pretty smile like yours..” comments rolled again, so I just accepted their nice offer! We rolled down our bumpy brick street and successfully made it to our house without them crashing into the street. As they unloaded them I gave the guys some $$ (of course) and a bag full of my lemon cookies (why not?). Cookies and money. It’s better than getting paid in gum like those trident commercials.
Dan came home right as they were unloading. We thanked the guys and they went on their way. I was nervous to see Dan’s initial reaction. If he would shake his head at me, wondering why the heck I took in furniture we do not have space for. But, he loved them. He saw just as much potential in them as I did. My husband rocks. Dan and I carried them into the garage and there they sit until we have the time to refinish them. New molding. New paint. New hardware. That’s where we will start, who knows where we will end up with the hutches, but I am super eager to get started and use them in our next house. So glad I snatched these! Here are the two pieces we got, for a total of $20 and a bag of cookies.
And the pictures that inspire my hutch obsession….
Any furniture pieces you have come across that you could not let go? Even if they are still sitting tucked away in your attic or garage waiting for that magic touch? I’m telling you, I will drive Dan crazy on our next house hunt because he knows these hutches will be part of every rooms discussion. “Great view in here, but where would my hutches go!?”
Hope everyone has a wonderful warm-ish weekend! Spend time with those you love!
Nice work Abby ~~~ such a charmer!!!! Very cool hutches ~~~
don’t forget the nice neighbor lady’s cookies!!!
Smooches ~~~~