Have a fantasy you can’t kick? No, I’m not talking about in the bedroom, that’s a whole other post (haha) just kidding. Things you dream of that seem so reachable, yet unrealistic at the same time. Mine has always been, for some reason, having a farm. Lord knows I do not like to get “too dirty”.. but something in me has always wanted a chicken coop… or a cow… or a few pigs. On Owen’s birthday my sister and I took the kids to the Lake Farm Parks to walk around and check out the new baby animals that were born this past month, and let me tell you, my farm dream just creeped up to a whole new level. The boys, like most kids were simply smitten by the animals. Owen was just tickled by the chickens. Like, couldn’t leave the chicken coop for 45 minutes tickled. Dan always hears about how I would love to have a chicken coop for fresh eggs. And now he is tortured by the thought of 3 of us wanting one as well… he is out numbered. Lord help us all.
Maybe it is the thought of taking care of all the animals? The mom in me that enjoys nurturing things. Or the work ethic my kids would grow up with by helping, loving it and learning from it all. Ever watch the pioneer woman on the food network? They are cattle ranchers, and their life style is just astonishing. Her kids are unreal.. so dedicated, well-mannered, and just awesome. Maybe it’s the idea of lots of land, giant garden beds, mature trees, and a pantry stocked full of via iced coffee because a Starbucks is 100 miles away. I hope ONE DAY, whether it be in 10 or 30 years, we as a family will come up with some way to satisfy my farm fantasy. Even if it’s neighboring a farm, that’ll do. Until then, we will frequent visiting the animals, and I will day-dream of all the names I will give to our pigs, and cows… and picture a life of drinks in mason jars, and living off the land. Hey, it could happen right?
The boys had their first experience with a “real” ice cream truck the other day at home… so when they stumbled across this one, they were consumed. Brody asked his Papa if he could build him one this summer. It was pretty cute.
The new baby calf and baby piglets were hard to say goodbye to, they were the cutest things ever.
And look at that beast of a momma – bet you she’s not worrying about dropping the baby weight. No sir, she’s just loving on her babies. Like every momma should!
Chicken coop lovin’ He kept saying “cock-a-too!?” Maybe thinking cock-a-doodle-do? Who cares, it was adorable.
It was a fantastic day to have a birthday. Beautiful spring day …. lots of yummy food and playing outside. Now we just have to sell our house, and find a yard big enough to house an animal or two!
I had to look twice at the last one – wasn’t sure if it was Owen or Brody!!!!