These two boys, these two mischievous little brothers have got to be the best thing that happened to Dan and I. Growing up, none of my cousins had a brother. There are a lot of girls, and one boy in each family. Dan’s side is blasted with boys, but Dan did not have a brother himself.
It is funny how things work out. Exactly one year ago I was writing a post about trying for a 3rd child. One year later, and a lot of ups and downs in the health world, I am so glad we put on the brakes on baby making and soaked up this year with these two. Brody is the funniest big brother. He teaches Owen what he can, and Owen always puts his own twists on things. Usually making anything dangerous, seeing he is the adventurous one, and Brody has jumped right on the danger train. They have formed this bond that I hope will only snowball throughout their lives.
While the topic of baby #3 is soon to have a plan of action (ooh la la), we are still taking each day one at a time, and enjoying these littles. Knowing that we are content, and feeling blessed to have all we do in our lives. And know that anything else we are given will be such a joy. I know these boys would love another sibling, so time will tell. Let’s just let life happen and see what happens right?
SQUISH and SQUISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!