Chicken Coop for the soul. <—- Like what I did there ?
It is true. My dreams are made of beach vacations, winning the lottery, growing boobs and chicken coops. I have always wanted to raise chickens. Maybe not just chickens in particular, but I have always wanted to raise farm animals. This city girl is surely streching her imagination seeing as I live in a development. Cows, horses and pigs are not going to fly (ha. pigs flying) in my neighborhood, nor in the size of my yard. But you know what will!? You’ve guessed it – CHICKENS!
It has been about 3 years of me chatting Dan’s ears off about wanting a chicken coop. He constantly laughed me off, knowingly that I am the dreamer and consistently coming up with the next thing I am going to do. But these little wings of mine kept flapping their way closer to the dream while I decided to keep my mouth shut about it as often as possible.
Chickens, in Cleveland? Why the hell not. If the chance of having a farm is the equivialint of winning the lotto I should bring a small slice of the pie to the backyard. Backyard chickens are what this mamas dreams of made of. I want to have a few (maybe 4-8) feathered mamas nestled in my backyard, free to roam and call their coop home. The benefits are obvious. Free range eggs, in my backyard for my littles to run and grab each morning. Responsibility – the boys will learn to take care of these little ladies from day 1. Most of all, the experience. How amazing would it be to tend to these chicks, call them our own, love them up and teach the boys a basic life lesson of where food comes from and the importance of learning about it all.
Wham. Bam. Thank you Ma’am.
This darling shabby chic chicken coop literally made me squeal. I do not care how much chicken poo I have to clean up. If there was enough square footage I would buy my own apartment in there. We could chat about their eggs that they’re laying on the daily, and how mine are slowly growing old as I approach my 30’s. It will be delightful.
Research is KEY. There is SO much to learn about this entire process and I will not skip a beat. Making sure that not only I, but my entire family is well informed to raise these babies with TLC. Making sure they are healthy and thriving.
So. The process is as follows ….
We are getting our landscaping done this next week or so (dependant upon this lovely C-town weather). We will get a coop, set the pretty thing up in the backyard. It has to be 100 feet away from the neighbors houses, which thankfully will not be an issue in our yard. We will get baby, I mean DAYS old chicks and they take 4-6 weeks to become fully feathered. In that time, they will live inside our house in a very warm spot and we will take good care of them until they’re old enough to go to the great outdoors.
I really could not be more excited that Dan agreed and that this is going to really happen. Seeing a dream come true like this is SOoOOoo thrilling on so many levels! Call me the crazy chicken lady, I do not care. I cannot wait for my kids to experience this. Get their hands dirty and learn learn learn.
We will be sure to keep you updated, as always. Be sure to check out my pinterest and follow me there to see fun things I am posting about this process!
xoxo abby
You go mama! What fun adventures for the boys 😉 Madden will love the chickens during a future visit too I’m sure! Enjoy!