Brody turned four last week.
My little boy is FOUR!
A surprise pregnancy that evolved into the biggest blessing in our lives. This little boy has SO much life in him. He is extremely passionate about everything, and everyone. He wears his heart on his sleeve and really wants to bring out the best in others. I love what a great big brother he is, even when his buttons are pushed 100x a day, he still loves on Owen more than picks on him. His love of learning, and golf are at an all time high. He is learning to write his letters, and his vocabulary is unlike any toddler I know. We had a birthday bash for him this past weekend, and it is always the best feeling to be surrounded by people who love your kids as much as we do. We are certainly blessed to have Brody in our lives. He has made us better people, better parents, and most of all, SO PROUD to call him ours.
B-mac. Mommy and Daddy love you SO much! More than the moon and stars. I hope each year as you grow you feel just as much love back, as you give.
make me cry, why dontcha????