Someone take my temperature! Finally, I think my cabin fever is gone. Today it is 71* and the sun is shining down and I am one happy girl. Nothing beats getting the kids ready for school and running out to a car that has not been warming up for 20 minutes. Jackets off, smiles on their cheeks and our Monday is off to a fantastic start. Thank you universe, we needed this!
This winter has been a pain in the butt. Freezing bitter temperatures that made even snow days impossible to leave the house. It was the longest winter ever and I am so grateful it is behind us!!
You know the scene in Old School with Will Ferrel where he is streaking?
I’m not kidding an ounce when I tell you that this weather brings a streaking urge outta me. Haha…. Dan will come rolling home from work and have to pull me in the car if this gorgeous weather keeps up. Neighbors, beware.
With this sweet warmth follows dirty shoes, sweaty stinky boys and my favorite – hours of endless play outside.
The boys are both in the zone with wanting to dress themselves. Owen is addicted to his “circus shirt” he painted at school. With each wash it is getting smaller and smaller, by July I may have to frame it.
Just weeks away from our landscaping journey is to begin. We have to resort in the meantime to playing in the driveway. Not safe at all. Mom of the year right here.
Owen the other day noticed a mole I have on the back of my neck. A detail I am sure you can live without – but he touched it and was so curious “Mom – nice tadpole on your neck!” Gosh – I love this stage.
Brody is growing by the second and his personality is becoming stronger with it. At the grocery store he had to use the bathroom – in which I always escort the rugrats to the ladies/family restroom. Brody was full of attitude that morning and stomped his way to the bathroom yelling ” I’m going!!! (proceeds to yell at me louder) MOM!! I’m going to be a MAN today!!!” Full of rage he marched into the mens room alone. UGH.
The new windows are in and the crisp white trim has me seeing stars. And of course showing my type A personality how badly the siding needs painted. We have every single window open in the house right now as I type and you guys, the breeze is orgasmic. Seriously, each window opens with such ease. Our old windows I would crack open and proceed to hop onto a counter to gain more leverage to push it open another inch, if I was lucky. Closing time I would have to call Dan in to handle it. They were junk. These new beauties are SO worth the $$.
Now that the windows are done, we have about 14 faux wood white blinds to sell. They are 2 1/2 inch panels. Our new windows are making me crave change – so if you are interested email me at
We purchased them for $55 + a piece, selling them for $40. Crisp, clean and keep a room looking bright!
Amen sista! The bathroom comment from Brody is hilarious :). I love those boys!