Some may say a that the love a parent has for their children is indescribable.
To me though, there are hundreds of words that remind me of the love that I have for my kids.
Brody the other day told me that he loved me more than chocolate chip cookies, I think that’s about sums it up.
My love for these kids make being a mother terrifying, exciting, fulfilling, humbling, challenging and euphoric.
Since the day Brody was born, he had my whole heart. He made Dan and I fall head over heels for him, he truly had us at hello. He is so bright, self-sufficient, calmer in nature, super funny, passionate, and the sweetest kid you could ever come across.
Owen came into the picture and he brought this deep, passionate way of life into our world. From the minute he was born I knew my love for him would never compete with Brody. I felt complete. He, to this day, never fails to surprise us. He is hyper, hilarious, moody, and loveable all squished into one wild little man.
Some days are longer than others. Those days I am aching for the clock to strike 7pm so we can put the boys in bed and unwind from a day full of temper tantrums, tears and messes.
Other days I want to go in slow motion. Stare into their deep blue eyes, giggling at one another, engage in one hundred more conversations and take each delicious moment in.
Brody is the ying to Owen’s yang for sure. They balance each other out just enough, and bring out the best in one another. We are ever so grateful for these two little men in our lives. I always dreamed of having a family with Dan. Since we were 17 I knew that this road we are on now was in our future. I feel really lucky, extremely blessed to call these boys our own.
What’s your favorite part of your day with your kids? Or for those with kids that are grown, the moments you miss the most? We’re big fans of bath time (hit or miss on the crabby meter, usually a hit, and quite a riot). Time in the kitchen, whether it be cooking or eating, there are always good conversations rolling around and smiles across the board. And no matter how hectic of a day we had, when we lay the boys to bed, and Brody asks for his “giant hug” and kisses us 10x over on the cheek, and Owen says “I need you -” Just to pull us in for a hug and latches on to our ears with his hands (that kid) It’s heart warming way to end our day on that perfect sweet note.
Abby — I can’t tell you how much I miss those days! ~ they go so fast ~
you surely have insight into grabbing onto every moment — this is
a beautiful post!! 🙂