Dan and I are coming up on the 8th year since we have been together. Since valentine’s day is right around the bend, I thought it was only appropriate to do a post about the man I love the most. Eight years seems like such a long time, yet has truly gone by in a flash. We met in high school, obviously. Dan was a member of a band called “Ruet Caelum” and let me tell ya, back then, they were quite the hit in town. Not exactly my cup of tea when it comes to music, but to the girls in high school they were the “Justin Bieber”of boys to hang around. Naturally, my show choir-performing self gravitated to their shows, although most of my time was spent on the side lines in fear of the mosh pits the cool kids would start. I would never survive, jazz hands were more my thing. We started talking more when he became part of the crew for my show choir, and began “dating” fairly quickly. We were two complete dorks…
Dan, his senior year of high school. I was already at a community college. I was a year older, and a cougar at the time, going for the younger men…haha. Here, he was accepting an award for his photography, in which he then received a scholarship to CCAD in Columbus where he attended in the fall.
Dan’s senior prom, 2005. Notice my horrific jersey shore tan? I am sure I will be kicking myself in the dermatologist’s office 15 years from now. Not to mention Dan’s haircut that I did, prior to cosmetology school. (Not too shabby?)
Had to throw this in year while looking through old pictures. This set was built during Dan’s senior year. Done by the one and only John Thome. Just goes to show that John is so multi talented, this boat set was built for the play ‘Anything Goes’. We are so lucky to have him helping with our house. We then, had no idea how much his handy skills would impact our future home!
Dan went off to college… where back home, I attended Cosmetology school. This was probably my face the entire year, wondering what my cute boyfriend was up to in college? Hair was always a passion of mine I dabbled in way before school. I always played around with hair during high school. I have no idea what gave me the balls to attempt it without truly knowing what I was doing. And kudos to those who let me cut/color/style their hair back then (you were brave).
Dan was a sophomore in college when we started the discussion about me moving to Columbus after hair school. I remember the conversations like they happened yesterday. Some days, it was, “Babe, I cannot wait until your done with school and can move here.” Other times, it was, “I think I am going to get an apartment, and a dog for company.” HAHA. I should have been offended, but I knew that this step was going to be a HUGE one for both Dan and I. Cosmetology school soon came to an end and 3 days later I was moving to Columbus. We were both thrilled the “long distance” relationship of ours was coming to an end.
Love this picture. We were so young, looking so fresh (not like exhausted parents). More than anything, it was around 11:30am in this picture, and we were at the bar for a drink. Ahhh…Those were the days!
Columbus was good to us, LOTS of great memories. And many I am sure we do not remember so well… like this Halloween night for Dan. I sure hope Dan and his buddy did not have their beer goggles on the ENTIRE evening. He will not approve that I put this picture in, but this is too funny. Plus, he is dressed as a priest. How ridiculous in this picture.
Looks like Dan got the best of both worlds. His girlfriend to move in, and a puppy along with it. Meet Gambino. Yes, his mobster name fits his bad attitude completely. We should have known.
While in C-bus I worked at a great salon, in their training program. Unfortunately, a lot was going on there, and the assistants got lost in the shuffle. We spent most of our time running errands for stylists, cleaning, and desk work instead of truly studying under the stylists. So after a year of working my butt off, all day every day, and not advancing in my career, I made the decision to say goodbye to Columbus. And goodbye to afternoon cocktails =( It was sad to leave, but, Dan was ready to come home as well. I think we were both over it!
Back home, Dan kicked up work with a mobility company. I jumped right back into the salon I went to school through, and was thrilled to be back with my friends. Three short months following, we found out we were expecting. Jaws dropped, tears were shed, and I probably had a few panic attacks. Sooner than later, we realized everything happens for a reason, and every baby is a blessing. We were excited, and terrified all at the same time. We had to find a house, solidify our careers as much as possible, and well, say goodbye to the glory days. Fast forward to March 1, 2009.
Dan becoming a DAD! My love for Dan has always been strong. Each month through the pregnancy he was so thoughtful and caring, even when I was looking like a whale and being hormonal. He was always so sweet. The day Brody was born, and the nurse put Brody in dan’s narms, it was like the world stood still. That father son bond was so natural. Watching Brody open his eyes, they just stared at each other. It was truly spectacular. We then knew everything was going to be okay. Now, enough with the sappy moments, before I start to cry.
We did not rush off to get married when we found out we were expecting. We had already squashed that “first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby.” At that point, we were together for 5 years, and engagement talk was flying, and plans for a wedding within the year were set in our minds. So, we knew, we would always be together, there was no need to rush. We waited until Brody was 5 months old, and had a complete DIY backyard wedding. (Details will soon follow) Never noticed how the man’s tie matched our decor, very appropriate.
Our wedding day was pure bliss. Full of laughter. I think we laughed through a lot of our ceremony. We then realized that we had changed so much over those past 5 years. And we always stuck by one another. Things were not always peachy, we had our roller coaster ride. Yet, he was always the one sitting next to me, holding my hand through everything.
And then we passed marriage test number 1: Getting rid of your husbands dog.
This huge beast became a little to overwhelming. He was not a big fan of me, and always had to be blocked off away from Brody. So after a lot of arguing, we finally found him a new home before we bought our house. He is with my cousin and his wonderful girlfriend, and he is spoiled rotten. Dan still jabs at me and says “I can’t wait until we decide we’re ready for a dog, and I get to give it away 3 years later.” It’s not funny, I know. But, life has been much easier without this mobster.
In the blink of an eye, Brody turned 1. He was such an amazing baby. He did everything by the book, step by step. He made us look like pros in the parenting department.
In result of Brody being such a gerber baby, and always wanting a large family, we were ready to start trying for a second. We started try a month shy of Brody’s birthday. We assumed, due to the manner Brody was conceived in, that getting pregnant wouldn’t take any time at all. Seven months later, and six pregnancy tests to reassure we were really pregnant and we did it! A sibling was on the way. The 1 to 2 stage with Brody was such a blast, such a whirlwind. His vocabulary multiplied by the day, and it took until the day Owen was born until we both realized what a toddler he had become.
Meet Owen Vincent Thome, born April 30, 2011. We did not know what we were having the second time around, and when we heard the words “It’s a boy!” I could not stop crying. Yes, I have realized that I am not one of those mothers that give birth and just smile, sigh and look down at their baby. I am in histerics, sobbing, and talking in circles. With Owen, I just remember saying how estatic I was that Brody had a brother, and how I felt so much love for this new addition. I always wanted a lot of children, and they say you’ll have plenty of love for each one. It is so true.
Seeing the two of them interact now makes all the sleepless nights worth it. We have had an interesting adjustment to adding another one to the bunch. But moments like this picture captured makes it all worth it. I feel so fortunate to have my kids and my husband. It is funny how things all work out in the end. I never thought I would be 25, married to a wonderful man, have two beautiful boys, and live in a home we made our own. Dan and I have never really celebrated Valentine’s day, but this year I hope he knows more than ever how much I adore him. I love you Dan!
Silly things I love about my husband ….
- 1. His slight obsession with cleanliness. Lucky he is not a slob.
- 2. He appreciates a good haircut more than Uncle Jesse from full house.
- 3. He hasn’t seem to notice my post-pregnancy rolls that fold of my jeans as I reach to pick up something…. God bless high wasted jeans.
- 4. He has to pull my van up to the garage every time he gets home from work. It drives him crazy when I park half way up. I think I do it on purpose at this point.
- 5. Somehow his feet are WAY smoother than mine. Not fair.
- 6. Last but not least, no matter how much I have changed over the past 8 years, he has obviously found new reasons to love me. I love him more than anything for that alone.
I love your family…you and Dan are a role model of a couple and of parents 🙂 To many, many more happy years!