Want to hear an annoying story?
Here it goes.
It all started yesterday morning, I woke up feeling super crampy, nothing new. My nights for the past 5 nights usually revolve around 1- 2 1/2 hours of contractions and they always let up. My body is in full blow tease mode. So, I shrugged it off, got the kiddos to school and ran a few errands.
Back at the house I had the urge to scrub the baseboards, vacuum underneath rugs and wash the dogs food bowls. It was a morning full of random nesting, and around 11:30 the contractions kicked into high gear. OH the false alarms moved to the afternoon, simple as that, I thought. But these babies were intense, so I figured I had two hours before I had to pick up Brody and I should walk the neighborhood to see if they keep up, or die off.
I raced (as fast as a 38 1/2 week preggers can race) up and down our neighborhood. Stopping to breathe through the contractions, face twitching and moaning as quietly as I could before a neighbor would come out to check on me. Around 1:30 I gave my doctors office a call, could hardly talk through them, and she said get ready to come in.
I’m super stubborn. I know the drill of being sent home when they die off – so I decided to suck it up, take the risk and keep walking. 3:30 rolled around and the contractions were still coming – and yet the thought of organizing where the kids would go and such was just overwhelming, especially if it ended up being a dud. At 5:00 the nurse told me that it would be best if I go in, because with the history of the boys, once I am over the hump of 3cm labor moves super swiftly.
I finally listened, picked Brody up from school and we packed everyone up.
Once hooked up at the hospital I started to worry, they were coming on strong, but my gosh, every nurse and every doctor has a different view on laboring and I just knew the fate was in their hands.
Well, wouldn’t you know those little boogers were coming on, and strong strong strong. I’d like to say I have a fairly high pain tolerance. Seeing as I passed a bucket of kidney stones with zero pain relievers. So I just did my breathing, focused and grunted through them. WALK THE HALLS, they were going to see if they would help me progress. I was at 3cm, 80% effaced and I was thrilled!
I have never made it past 2 with the boys, nor really ever went into labor naturally (Brody was stressed, started with contractions that went away and eventually needed pitocin to jump start it – he was 4 days late). I was so excited to see my body was actually doing it’s thang.
The hat was for shits and giggles – I told Dan to go grab a bite at the local bar while he had the chance. 90 minutes of walking I headed back to the room to ask how long they wanted me to walk for. “30 minutes” they said. Whoops. Hooked back up to the monitors, little man was looking fantastic, contractions coming on strong — Dan and I literally fist pumped and just knew it was time. Decided on a middle name and everything –
Doc comes in to check me again – still 3cm. I wasn’t surprised that there was not progression. Both boys were the same way. The main doctor came in and explained how it was such a busy night, since I am not progressing they felt comfortable sending me home. That there was no point staying in the bed. He said if I was 39 weeks (2 more days) he would get the pitocin started and get the ball rolling. Two days short, you guys! I wanted to cry. I was scared to go home and progress rapidly in the middle of the night (my history is 5-10cm in 45 minutes) But I also know that every pregnancy is different.
SO. I asked if I could walk, one more hour — just to see. As you can see I was a little over the fact that my body was acting like a child and every piece of the puzzle wasn’t falling in place….
At this point I was just bummed out. I know the way my body works and I knew it wasn’t going to happen. The doctor even said “You don’t look like someone in labor, you look good. You’re not moaning or huffing and puffing” By the way, that doctor checked me once, so I wanted to jump across the bed after 10 hours of laboring at this point. Did I need to be screaming or crying or covered in sweat? I labor will purpose and work really hard to stay calm during contractions, I didn’t think that was a bad thing~
Final check. Still 3cm. NO progress. That was it. I cried, I tried so hard not too. I guess it was just frustrating because the thought of it all dying down after all of that pain just bummed me out. I was scared to come home, and today or tomorrow go through the same thing. How would I know when the right time to come in? They say 2 hours at 5 minutes apart. I had 10 hours at 2-3 minutes apart. It just didn’t make sense. I was pissed at my body, and the calendar, knowing that two more days would earn my ticket into a bed.
I cried while getting dressed. I cried realizing that every food joint was closed at 12:15 at night. I contracted the entire way home, while eating a strawberry poptart in bed, and all the way until 5am.
Then, they stopped.
Just like they said my body may do.
So. While I sit here, exhausted and sore from running a marathon yesterday I have to trust that my body will do whats right. All I pray for is that the little man is safe and healthy and not stressed out. Sunday morning is only a few days away, and the doctor said it will more than likely be a rapid delivery since my body is doing all of this work prior.
Doing my best to kick up my feet the next few days, enjoying the rest and as uncomfortable as I am I just cannot wait to meet this little guy.
Hang in there Mama! My body is a stalling machine…I feel ya! He will be here before you know it…you are sooo close! Much love to you!!