The bump at the end of the road!
Holy cow you guys – 37 weeks already. Pregnancy is such a tornado of time – 40 weeks is SO long to be pregnant. Some weeks move at a snail’s pace, others are in turbo mode and you want to pump the brakes. I am perfectly in between right now. We have two weeks until we are induced (for medical reasons) at 39 weeks so it is so surreal that this next addition to our family will be here before the month closes out.
I cannot believe it’s nearing an end – mainly because from week 20-33 were spent being pretty sick (kidney stones and such) and I just wasn’t “in the mood.” Now, I feel heavenly in comparison to those dreadful weeks, and my nesting is in full gear. I love that natural instinct that creeps out no where – that weird boost of energy that comes out of the blue the last few weeks where you feel the need to do everything and touch everything in your sight. The nursery is 99% complete, the last piece is being delivered today and I am photographing it Tuesday, so FRIDAY will be the grand nursery reveal.
Wanna see this bump of mine? Let me tell you, at a smear of 5’1 – it’s belly to the max. Straight out from the hips and leaves me waddling around like a morbidly obese penguin.
The stretch marks are out – unfortunately I am one of the many woman who cannot escape their destiny. Every time I see them, the first few lines of this song plays in my head – Just the ones with Lupe in front of the window.
Hahaha.. you ladies with stretch marks know its funny.
I’m dreading the post baby belly – the wrinkles and the saggy old hag jello bag feeling. BUT – when that sweet baby is resting on your chest, oh how suddenly you could just care completely less. So on this 3rd round I’m going to do my best to embrace the change, and know that over time it all evens out. Patience and giving the hubs a few cocktails before the clothes come off won’t hurt either. 🙂
Onto the questions – this will more than likely be my last, so enjoy!
weight gain: I love that I start out with weight. What a classic chick – At 37 weeks I stand 25 pounds heavier. Which is fantastic for me, as I’ve over shared already about my 50 pound weight gain with the boys. So, 25 pounds feels just right and I’m sure a few more will add on in the impending weeks and that’s just fine. It’s time to stop looking at the scale pull out the tub of ice cream at night.
comments: Oh I adore this question. Mainly because I normally I run errands with the boys, while Dan is working so they just come in and out of my ears. But, today, lord, today he was with me all day and heard the never-ending comments that stroll in. It’s like when a woman is pregnant the general public feels a sense of entitlement to say whatever the hell they want. It’s a real hoot. Today –
- “Oh man, not a girl?? Ugh.”
- “Wow, you’re ready to pop huh?”
- “Sons visit their mothers when your old, so your very lucky”
- “You must walk a lot, your skinny everywhere else besides your belly. Wow, good job”
- ” 3 boys? … (pauses with pure hesitation) ….that’s so nice”
fears: the fear factor always kicks up 100 notches when your this close to delivery. Healthy baby, safe delivery – those are my top two priorities. I know coming home and the chaos that will be when we are all adjusting will all work itself out. Our new normal will be just that, new, and become our normal. Random fears – mainly around delivery. Will I go into labor randomly? Will I be showered/shaved (forget the lady bits, you guys it would be like handing a razor to Ray Charles in the shower) Will I tear? Will I poop on the table? Will I need an epidural? HA. you guys get it, your mind races with the questions when your days away from a huge moment in your life.
sleep: I should have smacked my 28 week self when I said the insomnia was setting in. Apparently in my eyes staying up later and peeing once a night qualified. Oh what a joke. Now I stay up late, way late, and am up being at least 4-5 times, and usually wide awake in the wee hours tossing and turning to ease the pelvic pain I get at night. So sleep is non existent, obviously my maternal instinct coming in and getting me ready for the following year of my life. This isn’t our first time around the block, so those random comments about the lack of sleep, ya’ll I get it. And it’s okay. It’s just another piece of the motherly puzzle you grow accustomed too.
looking forward to: Insert the tears now. I just cannot wait to see his sweet little face and kiss him up. I can’t wait to see Dan hold his 3rd son. And more than anything his brothers meeting him for the first time – People keep mentioning they may be jealous or have a hard time when he comes and I just want to laugh. Of course it will be a transition – but I can hardly put into words how excited they are to meet him, and I cannot see an ounce of that coming from their pores. So I push away those comments, because why insert negativity when we feel nothing short of love and joy surrounding this babe.
whats grossing me out: not much these days, thankfully. I think since my appetite is finally up that foods that would give me the yuck factor I just jump over that hurdle and just put it in my mouth.
random thoughts: Will he be bald like Brody was? And the size of a line backer like B was when he came out? Or will he have a tall standing mo-hawk like Owen did? That strawberry pretzel desert sounds delicious right now. Will the nurses give me a hard time about not nursing? How long can I go without an epidural this time? I wish I never would have discovered dipping strawberries into raw sugar – holy addiction, holy cravings, holy goodness.
37 weeks. Not the easiest pregnancy, but we cannot wait to meet you sweet boy. You are going to love your brothers SO much. Your dad and I may not be perfect, but we will be the best parents we can for you. We’re pretty cool in general, and I think you’ll love being a part of our family.
Abby, the whole world should be as open and honest as you are!!
We just cannot wait to meet Sweet Baby Boy Thome!! He’s about
to enter a home full of Love and Fun and Joy!!! God bless you
these last few weeks (or less?). You are Precious!!
Aunt Susie
Where is the love button? I laughed and cried reading this! Thanks for always bringing out all sorts of emotions with your blog! I’m so excited for you guys! Bring on little mister#3!
You and Dan are the best parents any child could ask for…these boys are so lucky and we can’t wait to meet our new little grandson..much love to all !
Sitting reading this laughing, crying (guess I have some hormones left at my age). You are adding a bundle of joy to a really awesome family already. Keeping good thoughts about delivery & all. Can’t wait to meet your addition! Hugs all around.