Life in the car pool drop off lane is a wild one.
Some days it is sheer giggles and game playing, helping the minutes tick by until the bell rings.
Other days it is nothing short of brotherly fighting, tears and mom trying to keep the peace.
Most days though, these few minutes before the day begins are some of my favorite.
Time slows down. Whether they are in the back seat or jumped up front to wait with me – I am stuck in a few feet of a suv with them with nothing to do.
Brody + Owen both love blasting music – we sound like our car should have hydraulics. I can’t help but get swept away with the excitement that fills the air with their sweet tiny voices singing away to Mumford and Sons, or Justin Timberlake, or their latest favorite – Maroon 5.
When there is just two minutes left before the bell is to ring I find myself just rambling on to the boys about how much I love them. I do not want to spend a goodbye mid discipline – or send them out the door flustered. I want them to feel loved and put that first foot on the ground feeling like a million bucks.
That no matter poor scores on tests, bullying by peers or scrapes on the playground, all they have to do is put one foot back into the car to feel surrounded by love again.
Let’s face it – life is tough out there, not any easier for kids these days.
I caught myself tearing up this morning when Brody and I had our small talk. Staring at his bright blue eyes and his long lashes – chatting away about who knows what. I could not get over the fact that he will be 6 in a few weeks. I have never gotten choked up about them growing up before … crap, I let it happen. Tears have built up each time I think about it – each year is passing so swiftly and this 6 turns to 7 – and suddenly he’s 14.
Slow down.
So between time outs, wiping butts, fooseball games, reading books, t.v. time, homework and laundry – I try to take those 2 minutes to just take it all in.
We adore these little men. More than I could ever type out for you to understand.
there you go again – making me cry!!
Beautiful stuff Abby!
bahhh! tears! Love those little men!