A lot of people have been asking me how Brody is doing since all of his belly issues, and figured this was the perfect spot to address it!
He is doing fantastic! We really did not expect anything less from this kid. He has always had a win it attitude.
For those that have no idea what I am talking about – let me fill you in, speed style.
Brody had blood in his stool for about a week (we/doc’s assumed + hoped it was a fissure) After blood work, it was obvious that something else was going on. As a parent, that was a bit nerve wrecking!
He underwent an endoscopy, and colonscopy which was terrifying for mom and dad. The prep work was awful with a five year old, so much that he made him throw up. Thankfully, he was clueless prior to the procedure, we just told him the doctors were taking pictures of his belly. Figured the less he knew, the less he would be worked up.
After the procedure, the doctors came out to chat + pulled us into a conference room. At that moment we knew something wasn’t right. They further explained the damage that existed to Brody’s colon. He was highly ulcerated and the doctors said he needed immediate treatment (steroids + such) for up to 5 days to help he get on the road to healing.
What was thought to be an in and out procedure turned into us learning as parents that Brody suffered from IBD (Irritable Bowel Disease) That of which is broken down into two catorgories – Crohns + Colitis. Biopsies were taken, and we awaited the results as we stayed in the hospital with him.
He was a total trooper for his hospital stay. IV, steriod drip every few hours and constant rotation of nurses checking his stats, we were in awe of his cheerful ways.
We were super anxious to get home. Not only for Owen’s sake but for Brody to get more comfortable. The day we were released we learned our new medicine routine that was to be a bit more concentrated for the following weeks.
Once we were home, we continued his strict medicine routine + had to make a few trips back to the hospital for Iron IV’s for all of the blood he lost. Which, by the way the doctors, nurses, and staff at Rainbow Babies and Children Hospital were AMAZING. For Brody, and for us. They held our hands the entire way.
We are now at a fantastic point of his maintenance medicine. He did not have to change his diet (we’re relatively healthy eaters, minus some baked goods here and there) And for now, we have caught on that dairy and fried foods (shocker) can trigger slight belly aches with him.
We are SO happy to be done with the steroids he had to take for nearly 8 weeks. His appetite was through the roof, I couldn’t keep up. His sweet little face was so swollen – he had these cheeks you could pinch from a mile away! I would always mention something about his rosy cheeks and he would crack me up in the car ride when he caught me starring in the mirror he would squeeze his face and say, “You love my rosy cheeks” It melted me.
The swelling is fading and his appetite is back to normal! His activity level is fantastic and we are longing for summer weather to rock this season like none other!
It is still not clear which form of IBD that he has, we’ll know more as he grows.
As you can see from the pictures, nothing can keep Brody from being the fun full of energy boy he is!
Thank you for all of your thoughts + prayers you sent our way. And continued comments throughout the past few months. He is right back to himself, and we couldn’t be happier!
Yay! So happy he is doing better and being the champ that he is. Love him!!