This post is in collaboration with Equilibria. I was gifted my first months trial to share my experience with you all.

I reached a fork in the road, I cannot think of a better analogy at the moment, other than I have been on a really long road with taking Celexa for my anxiety, and after years of walking on the road with obvious bumps and turns, I just got tired.
Tired of relying so heavily on a drug that was giving me side effects (shall we dive into that?) Side effects were minor, except when I would try to wean, even the slightest decrease in dosage would cause shakiness – withdrawal like symptoms and these weird brain zaps. Not to mention that this medicine in particular made it a little harder to reach climax (tmi) and let’s face it – getting off is 99% of the fun during those intimate moments.
It worked, yes – for sure. For over 5 years I felt like an entirely new woman. You can read about my first panic attack HERE. With my celexa, I felt calmer, more in control of my fight or flight response and definitely overall felt more at ease. My anxiety attacks were few and far between, but during stressful seasons (cough, Covid-19) you wouldn’t even know I was on medicine to help control those pop ups.
I started to wonder …
Was it my medicine helping my anxiety? Or was it because I was really diligent on taking good care of my diet, exercise, sleep and social activity. When I put those top on the list, I felt my absolute best.
With that all being said, during this Covid-19 pandemic, changes in work, home schooling kids, hubby working from home 24/7, finances etc – I felt, well, anxious. Heavy chest, shakiness, anxious bouts, waking up all the time at night with anxiety, just overall not feeling my best. The restlessness and anxiety in the middle of the night was a new one for me, and perhaps the most annoying to be honest. As for any adult, getting good nights rest is key to feeling balanced during the day. I spoke with my doctor about potentially weaning from my anxiety medicine to start a new routine CBD products, and when he was on board, I felt like I got a nod to “GO!”
Let’s mention this, I am not stopping my Celexa, yet. I will be on a long journey of weaning! Please speak with your doctor if you are currently on any type of medication.

Finding MY fit –
- I knew immediately the company I would turn to for purchasing CBD products. Let me introduce – Equilibria, an incredible female ran company focusing on premium CBD products that are a total game changer.
- Premium grade CBD, organically grown, free from GMO’s, solvent, heavy-metals, pesticide and herbicides.
- Dosage specialists, there to consult and guide you throughout your entire journey
Stop it right there, Linda. I’m not lighting a joint and smoking pot with my kids around.

Here is info directly from their site –
“Hemp, not High.
Industrial hemp is a cannabis sativa plant grown specifically to exhibit 0.3% THC content or less — this is why there’s no intoxicating effect, but also why it’s legal. Any industrial hemp plants that cross the 0.3% “line in the sand” become marijuana plants, federally illegal, and (after approximately the 5% THC mark) intoxicating.
With our industrial hemp-grown CBD, you get a huge portion of the clinically-observed benefit of medical cannabis plants, with none of the illegality or impairment. Equilibria’s CBD is farm-to-home, at the highest quality available in the US market (straight from our 1,100 acre partner farm in Colorado!). All of our products are lab-tested with results readily available.”
So, here I go – moving forward with CBD as a daily part of my life
Just the quality of Equilbria’s CBD products gets me so excited, and then toss in that they offer dosage specialists that you can speak with to find the right dose for you – is exactly what I was looking for. Guidance, support and a company that knows their shit!

Oh, did I mention Dan is starting it too??
Last night, Dan and I started our first dose together. We were both so excited, as Dan has developed anxiety since his U.C. diagnosis and was looking for something that could potentially help the inflammation and pain from suffering from U.C. After 5 days, we’ll chat with our dosage specialist and see what is working for us. And guess what? I’ll be sharing my entire month-journey on Instagram stories, and here!
If you’d like to try Equilibria for yourself, I have discount code!
We started with the Balance Box, so I take the dropper at night, and one daily soft gel in the morning!
enter : abbythome at checkout for 15% off! I highly recommend subscribing for the extremely discounted rate on top of my 15% off!
xoxo, abby