16 weeks!
For Dan and I, this pregnancy feels like it’s flying by. I just keep thinking, thanksgiving I’ll be nearly 17 weeks, we’ll be finding out the sex in a few more and by the time Christmas is over we are left with 4 short months until the babe is here. It is pure excitement – the boys are getting more and more into it as the days go on and the arrival of this baby is much-anticipated.
Dan snapped some super last-minute pictures when I remembered what today’s post was to be. No shower, hair 3 days old, kids in random pj’s … one hot mess but just an honest look at what our nights look like!
I thought it would be so fun at this point to answer the same questions over a period of time at certain weeks when I post, just to remember what’s going on. So, here we go!
cravings: this is a tough one. Not because I am not craving anything, but really there is a lot that sounds good. I know what they say, craving sweets you’re having a girl, salty it’s a boy. Oh whatever. I am all over the freaking board – but the things I cannot get enough of. TUNA – girl, limiting myself to one tuna sandwich a week with pickles is a real struggle but when I have it my pregnancy taste buds are in heaven. EGG SALAD – as of late, I eat an egg salad sandwich every single week day. And SOUR candies – which is hysterical b/c I am a chocolate girl all the way. But I have dived face first into the kids candy for sour patch kids, sour gummy worms, skittles… I never want real desert, just a candy kick.
weight gain: such an awkward and stupid question, but I’ll go right along with the game. 4 weeks ago it was zero pounds, I had the stomach flu to thank for that one. My appointment is tomorrow and I am hoping I catch up. With the boys by 16 weeks I was up 10 or so pounds. So, we shall see. The weight will come, and that’s okay with me. These hips won’t lie.
comments: I’ve heard a lot of “wow momma, look at that belly!” obviously because I am showing a ton already. And ” are you finding out the sex??” It’s fun to know we’re not the only ones itching to know what the baby is 🙂
fears: oh well isn’t this question a debbie downer. The obvious. Wanting the baby to be healthy, not just as a baby but as a kid, adult etc. The normal mommy worry about wanting the best for our little ones. It’s exhausting right?
mood: goofy, tired, sentimental, happy, sappy. I have to admit this past month, especially with every brody is going through has taken a toll on us all. But, we’re staying positive. Keeping the fun alive, trying to keep our patience strong and just focusing all of our energy on keeping the boys healthy and happy. So, I guess I feel proud more than anything that I’ve kept my cool + feel very grounded through all of this chaos on top of being pregnant.
sleep: tossing and turning all night. Not because I am uncomfortable, I know the day will come. But the kids have been sick and in and out of our bed. Or I’m up helping them in the bathrooms. I catch myself a ton laying on my back (which they say is bad) so I am constantly waking up and adjusting my position.
surprising me: two things. these early flutters I feel, which is so heartwarming and exciting and reassuring all wrapped into one. i adore it. I know my boys are sweet, but my gosh they talk to the baby, kiss my belly and check my “app” on my phone that tracks the baby’s growth all day long. I knew they’d be excited, but now that they’re older – it’s super sweet to see just how “big” of brothers they will have a role in being.
looking forward to: baby kicks! the nausea stopping. finding out if it’s a boy or girl!
what’s grossing me out: random things. if I assume a food isn’t cooked properly, or if someone else made it I suddenly will not want it if I second guess the ingredients.
random thoughts: things I do not want to forget. brody waking up (because of my pregnancy app) and saying to my belly “good morning baby orange!” and then “the baby is 16 weeks mom!” dan is on a roll wanting to tackle so many house projects before the baby is, and he is SO into the holidays. it is SO nice to have a hubs that feels just as nostalgic as I do about this pregnancy.
This big brother is just over the moon about the baby. And I know I look awful, please don’t remind me. To be totally honest I am shocked I don’t look worse. We’ve been thrown through the ringer this past month and still feeling sick on top of it. Someday during this pregnancy I’ll feel more together … right?
Owen loves patting my belly, and talking away about if he’ll get his “wittle sister cherry”
Celebrating the good, helping to heal the bad, we Thome’s are just trucking along, taking it all day by day and just so grateful the love and excitement this little one has already brought into our world.
Abby – good thing my box of kleenex is so near my computer!! You look ADORABLE!!
Loved this!! And love you all! You look adorable! Can’t wait to see you all soon!