Mario + Luigi would like to start this blog post off by apologizing for the crickets around here. Owen, Dad, and Mom all got swept with the stomach flu on different days and we’ve spent much of the past two weeks in bed and last week recovering and sanitizing our house head to toe. Now we are feeling 100% better and flu free and ready to share with you our bump update!
Goodbye first trimester, hello second! I have to say, making it through 3-13 weeks was quite a doozy with this baby. My morning/all day sickness is still riding high, but has taken a notch off the nausea for me these past few days. That first trimester was so insane, I felt like I was on a fishing boat the entire day, finding bits of relief at night where I could finally attempt to enjoy a meal.
We had our 12 ultrasound last week, and it never gets old you guys! Although it’s been nearly 5 years since my last pregnancy – the excitement and relief of seeing a healthy baby on the screen rushed back all of those amazing feelings of pride and joy. The little one is right on track, leaving mommy feeling boat sick all darn day still and a bump that can no longer be hidden 🙂
Some can’t believe how much I am showing at just 13 weeks, I am not surprised at all. My doctor said I was measuring right on time, and in fact, wanted me to work on gaining a few pounds since I haven’t gained one and infact lost a few from the flu (thanks a lot.) Some women feel bashful about their weight/baby bump – embarrassed about the size or how quickly they are showing. I could not care less … not a bit! Were growing a baby here ladies, give yourself some credit! Whether you boast how you gained only 20lb, or feel timid because you stopped counting at 50 – who the hell cares. Be proud of what you are doing, take care of yourself, don’t go take “eating for two” too seriously and you will be just fine.
I gained over 40 lbs with each of the boys, Brody was 8.6lbs at birth, and Owen who was induced a week early was 7.7lbs. So, I know for my barely 5 foot 1 frame I carry big babies. I know my body will do what it needs to do, stretch marks included (oh thanks ) and it is so worth it all in the end when your holding that sweet babe. I wish women weren’t so judgey with this crap — the game of comparison if you will. Enjoy your pregnancy, while at times it may seem like it is creeping by at snails paste, it is a sheer phenomenon what your bod is doing!
Here are a few shots of the 12 week ultrasound. This little one was squirming and turning all around – both boys were super active so I am super excited to be feeling those kicks and jabs in a few months. It was amazing to see the tiny legs and feet already (ah!) – it left Dan and I feeling very grateful to be given another shot at having another baby.
I made Dan take a picture of me in the morning, because by night this belly of mine looks a bit bigger and I didn’t want to startle any of you HA.
We are finding out the sex this time around – we’ve given away nearly 100% of all of our baby gear and clothes to friends and family over the year. But, we are super excited to stroll out and buy a fresh set of necessities.
Brody’s guess? BOY – he wants a boy named Billy.
Owen’s guess? GIRL – he wants a girl named Cherry.
Dan and I could care less if it is a boy or a girl, sure, I have my gut feeling as to what this little babe may be. But, at the end of the day, a healthy happy baby is all we pray for. Another little man in our house would be a wild fun ride, and if it’s a girl, we’ll have a new experience learning the ropes to a little lady.
We will be sure to keep you guys updated on the ever-growing bump and the gender reveal we are holding out until Christmas time!
What’s your guess on baby #3 ?! BOY or GIRL ….. Leave it in the comments below
Boy. We revealed at Christmas too. I never cried so much!
I can’t wait to find out this time around! I feel like I know, but just can’t wait to be surprised! Oh I am sure the tears will be plenty 🙂